Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hang On To Your Hat

It was one of those days. I went on a little roller coaster ride.

I'm working a project with a limited budget and limited time frame. I added up all the materials, hardware, and software that I would need to pull it off and discovered that I would be 213% over budget.

After begging, pleading special circumstances, and wrangling with vendors, I got the whole shebang down to 40% of my allotted budget. I thought: I'm going to be a hero; they're going to name a park after me.

When I pitched my plan to the big boss, he shot me down in under 30 seconds, saying we couldn't spend that much money on an overhead project. I went from flying high to down in flames in nothing flat. Wha?... I thought I had a budget here ...

So I did what anyone would do. I laughed.

That's business sometimes: it's got some hard edges and sudden drops. I'm not worried; it'll all work out, but it looks like there is going to be some wild ride before we're done.


Rebecca Frech said...

Do you and the Computer Guy work at the same place? Wait, are you the same person and you haven't told me? Come clean, Nod (if that is your name.) Are you the Computer Guy in disguise?

Nod said...

I'm not sure if Super Catholics have secret identities or not.

Maybe there is only one Computer Guy archetype and we are all just an instantiation of him. :D



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