Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bull Run Mountains Conservancy and Beverley Mill

Today Wynken hiked the Bull Run Mountains Conservancy with his Boy Scout Troop. They are practicing for a much longer hike, but you have to start somewhere.
BRMC is a beautiful 800 acre preserve just outside of Haymarket, VA and at the foothills of the Bull Run Mountains. They have a series of marked trails that are not too tough for beginners, although a couple of sections are rather steep.

Nearby there are the ruins of the old stone Beverley Mill, c. 1742, (originally Chapman's Mill) burned down during the Civil War. You can clearly see the mill from Rte. 66 highway. The tops and edges of the stone formations are covered by what appears to be thick tin plates to keep the ruins from toppling; the interior is fortified with modern steel beams for visitor safety.

After a 5 mile mountain hike, 3 soccer games, and a school fundraiser today I'm a little tired.

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