Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bishops on Track

Contrary to what had been previously reported, CNS confirms that this week's USCCB meeting will NOT drop the topic of abortion in the wake of the Presidential election.

Another bishop who requested anonymity, confirmed to CNA that the bishops will not drop the issue of abortion or hold the conversation behind closed doors. On the contrary, they will discuss it on no less than three occasions: “in our regional groups, in executive session, and in the public session.”

Basically, the Bishops are doing their jobs now, and unlike in recent previous years where they showed a spectacular lack of leadership, they are stepping up and doing the hard work. Extremophiles on both sides of the political spectrum are quick to point out any perceived action or lack of action as confirmation of their views. However, the main job of the Bishops is to teach and to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ in season and out of season. While this does touch on governance in part, it is not the main intent.

Pastoring takes a little time. Let's all breathe deep and let them pastor their flocks.

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