Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kind Comes From Kind

I love six year-olds some days.

Nod-girl knows we're going to be getting a side of beef later this week. Kids her age love to reassert things they know. So she turns to me at the dinner table and says:
Baby cows come from Momma cows, not zebras or hippos.
What is so great about this statement is that it is plainly obvious to her that like comes from like, kind comes from kind. We had just gone over this together in the Creed: God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God.

What is also patently obvious to her is that human mommies have baby humans, and mommies shouldn't try to kill their babies. So simple, you'd think you wouldn't have to explain it to adults (or pregnant 17 year old Utahans who hire people to beat them up). This isn't a football game where the side judge looks to see if the player's foot was over the line or not. There are no moral ambiguities here.

So I'll take the simplicity of a six-year old any day. She never looks for tomatoes on a corn stalk.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

My 4yo son gave me a similar moment. I blogged about it here:


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