Monday, October 19, 2009

Musical Notes From Nod-girl

I am delighted with Nod-girl these last few weeks. With some one-on-one time recently, I decided to first teach her Do Re Mi. She got it. I then had her learn it backwards. She got it. I held up 8 fingers and wiggled one at random. She can tell you which note it is.

Nod-girl is only six years old.

I taught her the names of the notes on the piano, A-G. She can pick them out by herself. I asked her where the H was. Silly Daddy, there is no H.

For fun, I taught her what sharps and flats were. She knows that A sharp and B flat are the same note. I asked where the B sharp was. Dad, you're trying to trick me, there is no B sharp on the piano! I am stunned.

We tried to give Blynken piano lessons, but she has a hard time with the boring foundations. We also discovered that Blynken is terrible at math; no small coincidence. On the flip side, Nod-girl is relatively good at math and basic music theory.

We may have found our pianist!

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