Friday, March 13, 2009

Orange County Defunds Planned Parenthood

Sometimes there's good news, however small.

The Orange County (California) Board of Supervisors recently voted to suspend a nearly $300,000 grant to Planned Parenthood to provide "health education" to children. The supervisors used their discretionary power to halt the contract saying they didn't want county funds supporting a group that performs abortions.
"When Orange County funds something, it's like putting the Good Housekeeping seal of approval on that organization," said Supervisor Bill Campbell. "Funding an organization that provides abortions is not something I'd like to do."
I used to live in Orange County but I was in grade school then and I sure wasn't paying any attention to what it was like. I don't remember it being particularly religious or conservative.
[Orange County] is also recognized for its nationally known centers of religious worship, such as Crystal Cathedral, Saddleback Church, and Calvary Chapel. It is often portrayed in the media as an affluent and politically conservative region.
Well, there you go. Maybe that's not a lot in terms of money, but you have to admire the principle.

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