Monks had an additional reason to prefer beer in that it provided a degree of nutrition during the Lenten (and other) fasts. Because the Trappist order had abjured meat, they had perhaps a yet more pressing reason to find beer attractive, and the brewing of beer was carried on at abbeys, along with baking, cheese-making, and the growing of vegetables.The first step in our homebrew project (after a little research) was acquiring the proper materials.
- (1) Five gallon carboy, (1) Six gallon carboy (glass)
- 2 x Fermometer
- Carboy dryer
- Test jar
- Five gallon keg system
- Five pound CO2 cylinder
- Funnel
- Blowoff hose
- (2) Fermentation lock and bung
- Siphon tubing
- AutoSiphon
- Bottle filler
- Bottle brush
- Carboy brush
- Beer thief
- Thermometer
- Hydrometer
- 8 oz One-Step Sanitizer
- Complete instructions
Belgian Dubbel Extract Kit
O.G: 1065 / Ready: 2 months
This is an authentic Abbey style ale like those that arose long ago in Trappist monasteries throughout Belgium. Dark brown in color, high in gravity and alcohol, this kit exhibits medicinal, plum, and raisin flavors when fermented at warm temperatures.
Kit Inventory | |
Specialty Grains |
Fermentables |
Boil Additions |
If you choose dry yeast |
If you choose liquid yeast |
All kits also contain a muslin mesh bag for steeping the grains (if required).
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