Saturday, August 28, 2010

Corn Time

If you've never been to Indiana and Ohio, let me save you a trip: it looks like corn. Lots and lots and lots of corn.

We pulled off the highway looking for gas somewhere along Rte 90 and it looked like this.  Our GPS took us to the middle of a cornfield and then said "Now turn right and go off road". We opted not to do this.

But corn is good and corn is plentiful. Every year I attempt to plant 4 rows of it in my garden. This year was no exception. Only 2 1/2 rows came up properly, but I planted late and had general problems with the Nodlings knocking my seedlings off the deck before I could transfer them. Even with all that travail, I still got corn and it still tastes every bit as sweet as the stuff at the grocery store.

Since I don't use chemicals, I have to compete with corn earworms, but that's what knives were invented for - I just lop off the tips if the caterpillars got there first. Don't you wish every problem could be solved so easily?

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