Thursday, December 9, 2010

24:15 Better Living Through Chemicals

I have a small pharmacy in my spice cabinet. Open it up and there are a dozen bottles of something ready for the taking: all different sizes and colors. There are the usual suspects, including cough and cold remedies, pain relievers, antacids, antibiotics and the like. Then there are some more serious medications: thyroid, anxiety, ADHD, and amphetamines. That’s a lot of drugs. How did we get so many, and are they really necessary? The answer may surprise you.

As the head of my household, I take the charge to provide for and protect my family pretty seriously. Mrs. Nod’s side of the family has a hair trigger nervous system that is highly reactive to drugs. Every time we get something new from the doctor, I hold my breath a little bit when it’s taken for the first time. With half a dozen Nodlings, we get lots of opportunities for “firsts”. My side of the family takes pills by the handful like they were Tutti Frutti. We’ve got a lot of combined experience, believe me.

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