Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sugar Coated Shroud

Found this over at ShroudOfTurin4Journalists.com:
The shroud is sugar coated. A clear polysaccharide residue coats the outermost fibers of the cloth. In places, that residue has changed to a caramel-like substance. That brown substance forms the images.
Interesting read if you have the time. It takes you through all the questions and arguments, pro and con.

Photomicrograph of fibers from a warp segment of carbon-14 sample. Chemically, it is unlike the rest of the Shroud.

In 2005 an article appeared in a peer-reviewed scientific journal Thermochimica Acta, which demonstrated that the carbon 14 dating was flawed because the sample was invalid. It turns out that the corner from which the sample was taken for carbon dating had been mended. As a result, the sample included a significant amount of newer material.

Madder root dye and gum on fibers. This is clear
evidence of careful mending intended to be imperceptible.

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