When the mercury plunges, this brew crew's job is to keep trainloads of beer from freezing.
Manuel MartinezHis job includes moving train cars around the yard to keep the beer from freezing below 13 degrees Fahrenheit.
They may get a little slushy, but the constant jostling helps prevent a hard freeze and exploding cans and bottles.
His warehouse, or "beer house" holds more than 1 million cases of beer at any given time. That's a powerful thirst, my friend.
What an awesome job! Far from being "a tedious and time-sucking endeavor" as reported by , this guy is performing a noble public service -- saving beer. >Sniff.<
If you don't believe me, just ask Grupo Modelo S.A.B de C.V or Chicago-based Crown Imports LLC, Modelo's U.S. importer, I'm sure they'd agree; it's their beer.
This guy's a real mensch: performing a thankless task so others might beer. He can also do what no one else can do without committing a beer foul: he can shake the beer ... and it's a good thing.
Plus, being a train conductor is kinda awesome in and of itself. Every boy loves a railroad. Even my 3-year old Dab runs around the house singing Thomas the Tank Engine and making the couch into a mountainous track or any horizontal surface into his personal train yard.
Bill Diamond is a real life grown up whose job is Beer Conductor. Combining two great things in life: beer and trains ... Atta-boy, Bill!
All aboard! Cheers!