Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It Was A Day Like Today

It was a day like today.

It was neither especially warm nor cold. It was slightly overcast, but nothing to speak of. The work day had been especially average, with nothing particular to recommend it. Things were quiet, no dramas unfolded.

It was a day like today.

We were walking down the street. I had heard snippets, but I wasn't paying particular attention. Small details flitted through my mind. It didn't even have to do with me, just a friend of an acquaintance, really. She was on her way to pick her up.

It was a day like today.

She turned to me. "You're pro-choice, right?" So cavalier. A heartbeat passed. Then two. "No. Pro-life." A taxi blocked the crosswalk. The light changed. I added, "I just think everyone deserves the chance to live."

It was a day like today, when a child died.


Rick said...

A sad commentary on the banality of murder during our watch.

Unknown said...

And the Mother of Sorrows welcomed another innocent into heaven.

May the Lord grant mercy on the child's mother.


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