Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What I Saw Outside Your Door

It rained in the Nation's Capital today.

Outside the most famous House in the world, in the richest country in the world, in the most free country in the world I saw ... the homeless.

And it's been going on for years.

The shame.


Tim said...

Tell me about it. My girl friend (now wife) and I visited there at Christmas 1992. We parked right across the street at Lafeyett Square. My car was broken into and everything stolen out of it. RIght across from the White House.

We spend all this money on the monuments but nothing on the blight that surrounds what should be the nation's shining jewel of a city.

Shows where are priorities really lie.

Nod said...

Wow, that really stinks. Unbelievable.


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