Divine Mercy Care is a grass roots, community-based healthcare corporation that is at at the nexus between the culture wars and the healthcare crisis. Divine Mercy Care is not a series of programs. It is not social work. For healthcare workers, Divine Mercy Care is our vocation in medicine: caring for all stages of the human person; fighting illness and suffering yet recognizing their role in the mystery of life; and supporting our communities by seeing all people including the weakest and most vulnerable. Divine Mercy Care is how we love God and love neighbor in our practice of medicine. This is the foundation of our excellent care for all people.
These are true, committed Christian doctors who use the Theology of the Body in their everyday practice. They serve the poor, the under-insured, and the uninsured every day for free as part of their regular practice, as well as ordinary Joes and Janes like us.
Most of them haven't been saints their whole lives, but their conversion to the Gospel is real and tangible. We are blessed to have them as our doctors. If you've never had your doctor pray with you -- you're missing out on an amazing experience.
Pray for them and for like minded doctors everywhere; contribute if you can -- you are literally helping the most vulnerable and at-risk members of our society by doing so.
Read about them in their own words (emphasis mine):

Divine Mercy Care (DMC) is the Catholic tax-exempt health care organization for Northern Virginia. Recognizing that the health care system in the United States is broken, DMC answers the problem by bringing sound medical and moral principles into the business environment of health care at its most vital level—the individual and the community. Waiting for the government to legislate or for the economics to evolve is not acceptable. DMC is filling a moral and medical leadership void in the delivery of heath care. The key issues facing health care are: service to the under-insured, the anti-life bias, and the conversion of physicians into technicians. DMC answers these issues.
- DMC's commitment to serve the poor, not out of excess but out of our day-to-day work, is fundamental. Serving them within the community is a more effective model than government-directed health care.
- By not ignoring the spiritual aspect of medicine, DMC provides authentically holistic and comprehensive health care.
- DMC runs a value-based, consumer-driven business by retaining the sound medical practices of the profession while treating each patient with the dignity and respect they deserve.
Divine Mercy Care's original, nationally respected and regarded entity is the Tepeyac Family Center (TFC), an Obstetrics and Gynecological medical facility founded in 1994 by Dr. John Bruchalski. Reading the economic realities of medicine, TFC was reorganized as a tax-exempt entity in 2005. Today, the team of six physicians and one nurse practitioner provides services to women regardless of their race, creed, culture, or ability to pay. At TFC over the last three years, 25% of the babies were born to mothers with no commercial health insurance. It is the only practice in the country that provides full obstetrical care for patients from Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs), and it is the only practice in the area that serves charity patients on a routine basis.
DMC Pharmacy, LLC, a pro-life pharmacy located at a major crossroads in Chantilly, VA, opened in October 2008 and is operated by Mr. Robert Semler who has operated pharmacies for over 30 years. For the past 12 years he was the manager/owner of one of [only!] seven pro-life pharmacies in the country.
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