Thursday, December 10, 2009

Two Down Five To Go

First a car accident, now a stomach virus. Mrs. Nod isn't having good week.

Blynken also has the malaise. Wynken and Nod-girl went to school fine, but I'm just waiting for that phone call. Toddlers are fine and acting like, well, toddlers.

At this rate, there will be no Christmas vacation for me. Such is life.

The path to holiness goes through body fluids I guess. I just wish they'd stay on the inside.


Patrick said...

A similar (same?) bug just ran through our house this past week, with varying degrees of severity for a different family members. I'm blaming your sister-in-law, who was puking last Saturday before her lovely daughter's birthday party. And then we were all exposed. EXPOSED!!!!

Nod said...

And then scandalously blamed US for the crime. SHOCKED, I tell you. ;)


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