Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Excerpts In Excellence

Since I accidentally linked to it earlier, I thought I'd make it official and give the link to Peter Kreeft's excellent speech on Christian anthropology vs. the Sexual Revolution, an address to the The Catholic Medical Association's 79th Annual Educational Conference (October 27-30, 2010).

Kreeft is amazing. He is a professor, a theologian, and an author, and yet what he says is in perfectly understandable English! You really should read the whole speech. Here is a little sample:

We moderns think sex is for us; it isn't; it's for our children. We moderns think we're so enlightened because we're not legalists any more, we're personalists, we're about people, not about laws or rules or commandments. We think of the people who make sex, and we want those people to have fun and be happy. Which is fine, but we're so fixated on the fact that people make sex that we've ignored the fact that sex makes people.

h/t Mike in CT (again!)

1 comment:

Barb Schoeneberger said...

Fantastic statement. Cuts to the core.


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