Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Power Of Night Prayer

The Nodlings were a little wild when they came home from the pool last evening and we had trouble settling them down. They were supposed to be tired out and ready to go to sleep.

Finally I pulled out my Divine Office and began Compline, or Night Prayer. I made it to the end and then sang the Salve Regina. The Nodlings became silent until one of them said, "Whoa, that was beautiful." Then they all quietly trickled off to bed without further complaint.


1 comment:

Joe @ Defend Us In Battle said...

Night prayer... yes very powerful.

Children are a captive audience too, at night. Wish more parents would use this time for lives of saints, prayer, and biblical reading.

The kids would listen... and learn, better than captain underpants or the "wimpy kid."


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