Friday, April 16, 2010

WBN Nominated For Cannonball Catholic Blog Awards

WBN is humbled and honored by fellow blogger aka the Mom at Shoved To Them for the nomination to the 2010 Cannonball Catholic Blog Awards for the Best Potpourri of Popery.

We have an eclectic mix of stuff here at WBN-- it's a lot like life: funny, then serious, and with a case of the munchies. And yes, oh so Catholic. Nominations close on May 10 upon The Crescat's return. So nominate your favorite Catholic blogs, and don't forget to vote for us here at WBN for Best Potpourri of Popery and for Shoved To Them for Best Under Appreciated Blog.

I'm going to take a page from Acts of the Apostasy (
Best Hifreakinlarious Blog) last year and fake a life threatening illness -- sympathy vote for the win!

I said if I got nominated I'd hang it right next to my Super Catholic T-Shirt!


Larry Denninger said...


Although let the record show that Creative Minority Report did a NYT impersonation, and reported that I had a life-threatening disease. I just kinda ran with it!

I'll have to come up with something different this year...

You're getting my vote, btw

Rebecca Frech said...

And mine, but you knew that since I nominated you...I think I need a nap.

Nice Super Catholic cape, btw.

Patrick said...

Web awards are good and all, but I know the WBN author in real life. He is a class act, a super Dad, an inspiring Catholic, and a general all-around good guy.

He is well respected among his peers, and probably doesn't hear often enough just how much people look up to him. He is a great role model. Oh, and he's fun too. It runs in his family. :)

Congrats on the nomination!

Nod said...

@aka the Mom: thanks for the idea for the cape.

@Patrick: Aw, shucks. Thanks, man.


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